My blog
Summer-how to balance Pitta Dosha
We are in the summer season, and its time to bloom, flourish and come into fullness. In Ayurveda summer time is governed by Pitta Dosha with the qualities of mobile, sharp, light, hot and dry...
Spring season-Ayurvedic tips
We have entered the spring season and see and feel nature starting to wake up and become alive. In Ayurveda spring time is governed by Kapha that is shifting into Pitta Dosha with the qualities of heavy, dense, cold, static, moist and slow moving into more mobile, hot and dryβ¦
Winter season-how to balance Kapha Dosha
We have fully entered the winter season and see and feel the nature drifting into deep sleep. In Ayurveda winter is governed by Kapha Dosha, with the qualities of heavy, dense, cold, static and slow. During this time specially Kapha Dosha people can feel the most dis balanceβ¦
Fall season-how to balance Vata Dosha
Slowly the seasons are changing and we are shifting from the summer heat into the next season. Fall is governed by Vata dosha, meaning the qualities of lightness, mobility, dryness and instability are presentβ¦
Ayurvedic Morning and Evening routines
Ayurveda has specific recommendations for morning routines (called Dinacharya) and evening routines to establish balance in your constitution (Dosha), to regulate the biological clock (Circadian rhythm), to aid digestion and to bring an overall sense of peace, grounding and wellbeingβ¦
Ayurvedic daily rhythm
In this blog I would like to widen the concept of Doshas even more and explain how they are governing our daily rhythm, seasons and much moreβ¦Introduce you an Ayurvedic clock
The basics of Ayurveda
I would like to widen your understanding about Ayurveda and explain the basic concepts that lie at the Heart of Ayurveda; the connection with nature, Agni or digestive fire and the five great elementsβ¦
Why Ayurveda?
Over past years I have explored and discovered many different holistic approaches and health optimistaion protocols