The basics of Ayurveda
I would like to widen your understanding about Ayurveda and explain the basic concepts that lie at the Heart of Ayurveda; the connection with nature, Agni or digestive fire and the five great elements.
Ayurveda is translated as “The Science or Knowledge of Life” (Ayur=knowledge, Veda=life) and it is a 5000 years old natural, holistic healing system for the mind, body and spirit. Ayurveda’s mission is to help people stay vital while realising their full human and life potential, in a healthy body and mind we can fulfil our dreams and offer our contributions to the world. Ayurveda’s mission is to empower us with the capacity to heal ourselves, and this is possible when we start understanding our own unique body and it’s needs. Ayurvedic approach is individual and based on who you are on a unique body, mind and spiritual level, your unique constitution. The answer to anything always depends, and there is no one fit answer for all.
Agni, or our digestive fire is at the center of good health in Ayurveda, it breaks down food, destroys bacteria and toxins. Mental intelligence, understanding and comprehension are Agnis functions as well. When digestive fire is impared, food remains undigested and unabsorbed, so the toxins (Ama) begin to collect, that is believed to be the root cause of all disease and imbalances. Agni can also become hyperactive, therefore optimising digestion in Ayurveda is at the center of achieving longevity and being well. I will share more on food and digestion in Ayurveda in upcoming posts…
Ayurveda is based on the knowledge of the interconnectedness of all, the Microcosmos and the Macrocosmos, the connection from the tiniest human cell to the gigantic planet or a star, all nature is made from the same things, elements, and we are part of nature. As an example, if you think about it, isn’t it true that we feel at our best when in natural environment, being outdoors, eating natural foods from real ingredients and when we form real, loving connections with others...?
As I mentioned all nature and us is made from the same elements, the five great elements (Pancha maha buthas) that are; space, air, fire, water and earth. The concept of the five great elements lies at the Heart of Ayurveda and each element has their own specific qualities and contributions. From these five basic elements the basic constitutions, or three Doshas, are formed. And these three fundamental energies, govern our inner and outer environments; movement (Vata), transformation (Pitta) and structure (Kapha).
In the next post I will talk about Doshas in detail and their innate qualities. You may even be able to resonate with and recognise your own unique constitution, Dosha, before taking a Dosha quiz. For now start observing how do you notice the five elements; space, air, fire, water and earth in your inner, your body and mind, and outer environment…? Mind space…Breath…Digestion…Thirst…Body structure…