In the previous blog I introduced the concept of the micro and macrocosmos, the connection of Ayurveda and us with all nature, the Agni or our digestive fire and the Five basic elements ,that everything is built from. In this post I will tell you deeper about the three Doshas, or three basic constitutions ; what they are and the qualities linked with them. I will also share a link where you can go and make a test to find out your Dosha. But while you are reading the post, try to already recognise your Dosha, based on the knowledge of yourself, the descriptions given and how they resonate with your body and mind functions.
At the Heart of Ayurveda lies the five basic elements; space, air, fire, water and earth, that the whole Cosmos and us is made from. These elements form three basic constitutions, or Doshas, that govern the inner and outer environments. They are Vata, movement, Pitta, transformation and Kapha, structure.
Each personβs unique constitution is determined at the conception, like an individual fingerprint and this constitution stays unaltered during the lifetime. The elements present in each Dosha are for Vata; space and air, Pitta; fire and water and Kapha; earth and water. In each person these three Doshas govern all biological, psychological functions of the body, mind and consciousness.
When we are in pure balance, we are in optimal health and the elements are present in the right proportion for us. But our lifestyle, choices we make, seasons, external environment and many other nuances affect the balance of the elements and our Dosha may become aggravated and overflowing, increasing beyond our natural level.
To recognise your Dosha take a look at the qualities of each Dosha, the description of the physical body, character and the symptoms of the dis balance.
-governs movement and is airy
-Qualities are; cold, rough, subtle, light, mobile, quick, clear, dry
-Vatas are described as; light frame, cold hands and feet, irregular bowel movement and sleep pattern, dry skin, brittle nails, moving quickly and resists routine, quickly adapting, excitable, creative, energetic, loves new situations, is spontaneous, thinks outside of the box, inspirational, interested and interesting, initiative
-When out of balance may suffer from anxiety, fear, worry, confusion, forgets to eat, constipation, difficult to finish projects, distracts easily, too talkative, insomnia, gas bloating, unfocused, overactive mind, instability, weakness
-Vata resides in the colon
-Vata is the easiest to get out of balance
-govents transformation and is firy
-Qualities are; sharp, hot, light, mobile, liquid, oily
-Pittas are described as; medium built, strong appetite and digestion, warm body temperature, good sleep, sharp intellect, learn quick, direct in speach and action, likes routine, courageous, oily skin, perfectionist, friendly, great leader, intense, clever, warm personality, great decision maker
-When out of balance; agressive, angry, blames others, too critical, fiery, impatient, irritable, judgmental, mean, competitive, only goal oriented and suffers from; heartburn, inflammation, skin rashes, eyesight issues and headaches
-Pitta resides in small intestine, liver and stomach
-governs structure and is earthy
-Qualities are; heavy, cold, smooth, oily, moist, soft, dense, slow, static
-Kapha is described as; strong/heavy built, good immunity, cold body temperature, has deep sound sleep, smooth skin and thick hair, moving slowly, easygoing, methodical, sweet, caring, likes routine, calm, consistent, content, loyal, steady, strong, supportive, nurturing, compassionate, stable, empathetic, connected with healing and rejuvenation
-When out of balance; attached, congested (sinus and allergy), greedy, lazy, needy, overeating, over protective, owerweight, stubborn, withdraws, suffers from depression
-Resides in the lungs
-Kapha is the hardest to get out of balance
We all have the three constitutions but normally there are one or two that are in a higher proportion in us than others. For example, I am Vata-Pitta⦠Vata is the most present in me ,then Pitta and the least Kapha. We can learn so much about our own body, state of mind, emotions and dis balances we are suffering from when we understand our own constitution and how to bring it to balance.
In the next post I will tell you more about how to balance your Dosha and how to adjust to the seasons, external environment and find the best rhythm of life for your unique body and mind constitution. Go ahead and follow the link to find out your Dosha⦠(Disclaimer! To really find out your Dosha the best is to see an Ayurvedic doctor who makes a full proper examination. But the quizzes do give a good direction and most of the time are correct)