Winter season-how to balance Kapha Dosha

We have fully entered the winter season and see and feel the nature drifting into deep sleep. In Ayurveda winter is governed by Kapha Dosha, with the qualities of heavy, dense, cold, static and slow. During this time specially Kapha Dosha people can feel the most dis balance (by now I hope you have discovered what Dosha you are), but the tips for balancing are useful for all. In Ayurveda we say: “Like increases like and opposites balance” , so we use opposite qualities to bring the state of balance, therefore it can be very logical and simple to find balancing actions.

During the winter season nature and weather are changing drastically and coming to a full stillness (off course depending on the region of the Planet you are in) ; weather is cold and extreme, we get much less of daylight and spend less time outdoors, nature and animals are going into the winter sleep, hibernation... And as we are part of nature, this shift deeply affects our own state of being. Unfortunately during this time of the year, instead of slowing down, we are rather speeding up, stressed and we are often pressured to wrap up and finish the year strong…Which creates dis balance… To help us find more balance at this time of the year, we need to bring more grounding, warmth, silence and hydration into our habits and day.

Tips for balancing Kapha Dosha during the winter season:

-Find more moments to slow down, of stillness and silence.

-Get to bed earlier and increase the amount of sleep you are getting.

-Shake it up, prioritise daily movement to move that stagnant winter energy.

-Eat more cooked and warming foods. Prioritise the foods that are pungent, bitter and astringent in taste. Use warming spices-like chili, black or cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon and cumin.

-Consume only room temperature or warm drinks.

-Hydrate and moisturise from inside out, drinking more liquids and moisturise your skin well.

-Keep warm, wearing layers and specially protect the throat area.

Remember that it’s ok to slow down, do less, embrace the state of “being” and not “doing” and be absorbed into the void of stillness. We need to go through the cycle of a small “death”, like nature does, to embrace the rebirth and the next stages, seasons and life again. I wish you a calm, restful, rejuvenating and quiet winter time.


Spring season-Ayurvedic tips


Fall season-how to balance Vata Dosha