Fall season-how to balance Vata Dosha
Slowly the seasons are changing and we are shifting from the summer heat into the next season. Fall is governed by Vata dosha, meaning the qualities of lightness, mobility, dryness and instability are present. During this time specially Vata Dosha people can feel the most dis balance (by now I hope you have discovered what Dosha you are) , but the tips for balancing are useful for all. In Ayurveda we say: “Like increases like and opposites balance.” so we use opposite qualities to bring the state of balance, it can be very logical and simple to find balancing actions.
During the fall season nature and weather are changing, there is the element of instability and weakening ; trees loose their leaves, nature dries out, the winds start to blow, we have less sunlight during the day and animals are preparing for the winter. So the way to balance, is to bring grouning, calming, hydrating, nourishing and denser elements into our day.
Tips for balancing Vata Dosha during the fall season:
-Establish a routine through out the day to bring the sense of grounding for the body and mind, try to stick to this schedule.
-Allow yourself to sleep in a little bit more than normally.
-To support the digestion eat grounding, moist, warm and nourishing meals; stews, soups, good quality fats and well cooked food that is easy to digest…
-Favour sour, sweet and salty tastes, avoiding pungent, astringent and bitter tastes.
-Keep warm, wearing layers and specially protect the throat area.
-Avoid overstimulation and perform calming and grounding activities in the evening.
You can also practice Abhyangha self massage with warming and calming oils, Yoga and Pranayama (breath work) that are focused on bringing stability and calm to the body and mind. I wish you a grounded, calm and centred fall season, while enjoying the beauty of the transformation and wonder of a change that nature goes through.