Spring season-Ayurvedic tips

We have entered the spring season and see and feel nature starting to wake up and become alive. In Ayurveda spring time is governed by Kapha that is shifting into Pitta Dosha with the qualities of heavy, dense, cold, static, moist and slow moving into more mobile, hot and dry. During this time all Doshas can experience immunity dis balances; getting colds, flus and allergies. Here I will share few tips on how to find more balance during this time and support yourself in the best way.

We are stepping out of the winter hibernation; from the energy being more static and stagnant. If the winter is an accumulation time , spring is for lightening up and releasing, it’s also a great time for detox. The energy is supporting to clear the body, mind and space. It’s time for rebirth, new beginning and great time to set intentions for the upcoming season.

Tips to find more harmony during the spring time:

-Increase daily movement and exercise and let it be more vigorous
-Dry brush your skin to increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Brush from the extremities towards the heart and torso
-Get more outside, spend time in nature and enjoy the increase in sunlight
-Make a spring detox, in any form that is suitable for you (full or intermittent fasting or decrease sugar, alcohol and processed food consumption)
-Support your liver with bitter herbs and foods (dandelion, leafy greens, garlic, turmeric, green tea, beets…)
-Eat more fresh, seasonal produce, vegetables, sprouts and fruit. Avoid too heavy and oily foods
-Do a home spring clearing, to free the energy and space for new to come
-Set intentions for the upcoming season ; « What do you want to bring about to bloom this summer ? »

Embrace this energy of the new, rebirth and allow yourself to release what doesn’t serve you to start moving courageously towards your vision and dreams.


Summer-how to balance Pitta Dosha


Winter season-how to balance Kapha Dosha